Notifications for Secom maintenance and outages

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We know how important your Secom service can be for your business and residential needs, and we want to make it easy for you to stay updated, real-time, if we're having any service disruptions as well as when we've scheduled network maintenance. That's why we've created an outage and maintenance notification system to automatically keep our customers aware of any issues and to be notified by their preferred method (email, SMS, webhook) of contact. Please read through the guide below to setup your subscription preferences and stay updated on your Secom services.

Setup notifications for your Secom service(s)

  1. Visit our status page at
  2. Click Subscribe in upper-right corner
  3. Choose the method of contact that you prefer

Email notifications

  1. Email tab if you would like to be notified of maintenance and service disruptions via an email address
    1.  Enter your email address
    2. Click Subscribe
    3. You will be sent an email from containing a unique link to manage your subscription preferences
    4. Click on the link within that email and you will be directed to page to manage the services on which you'd like to stay updated.
      (Example: If you're a Secom Fiber customer and have a business office in La Junta and Pueblo and you'd like to be notified if we're going to be performing maintenance or having issues in either of those communities you would select the checkbox for both La Junta-Fiber and Pueblo-Fiber under the Fiber Services category)
    5. When you're finished making your selections click on Save Subscription at the bottom of the page

SMS (Text Message) notifications

  1. SMS Tab if you would like to receive notifications via your mobile phone
    Please note, to be alerted in advance when we schedule network maintenance, you will need to subscribe via email. SMS notifcations will be sent when we're actively experiencing an outage/incident or when we're starting, updating or completing a maintenance event.

    1. Enter your 10 digit mobile phone number 
    2. Click Subscribe
    3. You will be sent a verification text letting you know you've been subscribed.
      1. You can cancel notifications by Replying STOP to the text message at anytime
      2. Or you can manage your subscription by going to, clicking Subscribe and then clicking the link for Manage your existing subscription
        1. You will then be sent a link in a text message, which will allow you to customize which services and locations about which you'd like to be notified. 

Managing your existing subscription preferences

You have complete control of how little or much you'd like to be notified, and you can always change your subscription preferences or Unsubscribe at any time by visiting click on Subscribe and then Manage Existing Subscription

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